Selasa 20 Jun 2017 20:08 WIB

Eid travelers continue to arrive at Senen railway station

Eid travellers continues to arrive at Senen railway station on Tuesday.
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
Eid travellers continues to arrive at Senen railway station on Tuesday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Eid travelers continued to arrive at Senen railway station on Tuesday to wait for their schedule to leave Jakarta for their home towns or villages across Java.

They spread newspapers or mats to sit on or rest while waiting to check in outside the station.

Muhammad Arif (40) said he planned to leave for Malang in East Java by Matarmaja, which is scheduled to leave at 3.15pm. He stated that he and his family deliberately came to the station earlier at 12.30 to avoid missing the train.

"I am afraid I will miss the train and that is why I came earlier. He also wished he could enter the carriage earlier," he stated.

Ratna Sari (50) shared Arif's statement on why she had come early at the station. Ratna and her family wished to go to Blitar in East Java. She would leave by Brantas, that is scheduled to leave at 5pm but she has been at the station since 2.30pm.

"I deliberately came early so that I could enter the carriage fast and have time to arrange my goods in the compartment," she remarked.

According to the station's public relations office, 25,891 passengers are scheduled to depart from the station on Tuesday.

There are 25 regular and 12 additional departures from Senen to various cities across Java.

sumber : Antara
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