Jumat 13 Oct 2017 14:16 WIB

Anies is welcomed to refuse Raperda discussion: Senator

Rep: Mas Alamil Huda, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Jakarta governor-elect, Anies Baswedan
Foto: Republika/Iman Firmansyah
Jakarta governor-elect, Anies Baswedan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of Jakarta Legislative Council (DPRD), Prasetio Edi Marsudi said governor-elect Anies Baswedan and his deputy Sandiaga Uno may refuse to discuss the draft bylaws (Raperda) of Jakarta's bay reclamation. He said, Anies-Sandi could do that, although Raperda needs approval from provincial government and DPRD.

"Yes, they are welcome to refuse it and we just let them," Prasetio said on Thursday (October 12).

However, he assured DPRD would discuss Raperda on reclamation project, especially the Spatial Planning of the North Coast of Jakarta. Prasetio claimed all factions have agreed to discuss the spatial islands of reclamation at Jakarta bay.

Two draft bylaws would discuss reclamation. First is about Zoning of Coastal Zone and Islets (ZWP3K). Second is about Planning of the North Coast of Jakarta. 

About zoning Raperda, Prasetio said bylaws was already discussed, but still not passed yet.

Meanwhile, there was still a debate about Raperda on the Strategic Spatial Planning of the North Coast of Jakarta. It was related to the contribution of 15 percents. 

Prasetio explained it would be discussed in the Regional Regulatory Body (Bapemperda) of DPRD DKI Jakarta chaired by Abraham Lulung Lunggana.

"In Bapemperda, it will be agreed, so now it should be discussed again," Prasetio added.

Prasetio also believed discussion of Raperda would not be done in the rest of leadership of Governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat. He explained no need to rush it.

"I believed Anies and Sandi would be objective. If it was not worth, Anies and Sandi are pleased to reject it," he commented. 

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