Kamis 04 Jan 2018 01:15 WIB

Anies establishes Jakarta Corruption Prevention Committee

Rep: Sri Handayani, Mas Alamil Huda, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan appoints Bambang Widjojanto as chairman of Corruption Prevention Committee on Wednesday.
Foto: Dinas Komunikasi Informasi dan Statiatik Pemprov DKI
Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan appoints Bambang Widjojanto as chairman of Corruption Prevention Committee on Wednesday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan established Jakarta Corruption Prevention Committee. The committee was formed on the basis of Governor Regulation Number 196 Year 2017 on Amendment to Governor Regulation No. 187 on the Governor Team for Development Acceleration (TGUPP). 

Anies said, the committee was formed with the aim of preventing corruption by building good governance system, namely clean, accountable, legal, effective, efficient and participative government.

"Jakarta Corruption Prevention Committee will also be a liaison between Jakarta Provincial Government with the community and other state institutions such as KPK in conducting surveillance and prevention of corruption in Jakarta Province," he said on Wednesday (Januari 3).

The committee will, among other things, encourage the development of an integrated data system and build the integrity of the Jakarta's civil apparatus. Anies said the establishment of the committee was one of the priority tasks that must be done in the first 100 days of government.

"We want clean government not only belong to one or two figures who will disappear as soon as they leave, but we want a fundamental change in the system, so that the realization of a clean government will be sustainable and last longer," he said. 

Anies said, there are two main agenda for committee, namely creating good governance and rescue of local revenue. Preventing corruption in governance matters will prevent budget leakage. Saving local revenue needed to be done because there is a lot of potential revenue that has not been entered.

"With this way, in the future I hope Jakarta as a metropolitan city will be able to increase revenue and can build the city become more qualified," he said. 

Jakarta Corruption Prevention Committee is chaired by former KPK leader from 2011 to 2015, Bambang Widjojanto. The council members consist of human rights NGO activist Nursyahbani Katjasungkana, former Police Commander Oegroseno, and good governance researcher Tatak Ujiyati. The former chairman of TGUPP, Muhammad Yusuf, also strengthened the committee.

According to Anies, he deliberately chose people with good credibility and skill qualified for committee. "With the hope that their expertise and experience can drive rapid change of system in Jakarta Provincial Government, and become more transparent and accountable systematically," he said. 

Meanwhile, Chairman of Jakarta Corruption Prevention Committee Bambang Widjojanto said, he was willing to lead this committee because it was a good opportunity for him to help realize the model of clean, transparent and accountable local government. Jakarta Corruption Prevention Committee was the first corruption prevention agency established in the province.

"With the strategic position of Jakarta, as the capital city of the country and business center, Jakarta Provincial Government should be the forward guard for corruption eradication of government administration," he said. 

Bambang also hoped to cooperate with all institutions and community groups that have the same anti-corruption spirit. "For that, we will actively cooperate with KPK and NGOs Anti Corruption to jointly realize clean and accountable government in Jakarta," he said.


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