Jumat 25 Oct 2013 04:26 WIB

Ahmad Heryawan dispatched 30 youth of 'Indonesia Bangun Desa'

Rep: Maman Sudiaman/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Gubernur Jabar Ahmad Heryawan (kedua kanan) bersama istri dan Wakil Gurbernur Jawa Barat Deddy Mizwar (kiri) bersama istri saat menggelar
Gubernur Jabar Ahmad Heryawan (kedua kanan) bersama istri dan Wakil Gurbernur Jawa Barat Deddy Mizwar (kiri) bersama istri saat menggelar

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID BANDUNG -- Ahmad Heryawan dispacthed 30 participants on building villages program,  Indonesia Bangun Desa (IBD) 2013, at Gedung Negara Pakuan, Jl Otto Iskandardinata No. 1, City of Bandung, yesterday.

The participant has undergone and passed three months education and training.

The youth will be assigned in a number of locations for 9 months. They are expected to be a driving forces of progress and change in the village.

"The IBD participants are expected to implement various subjects that have been studied during training. After the training, the participants will be tested for their ability on the field. He or she could be able to embrace people to actively build and develop their village potentials. Particularly in agricultural sector," the governor of West Java said in a press release to Republika recently.

He stated if the nation wants to build Indonesia, it should be started by building rural areas. If counties and remotes places developed with high civilization and competitive human resources, then it will have positive impacst on Indonesia as a nation and state.

"Advanced and sophisticated villages will strengthen food security, economic and social sectors in the region," he said.

Meanwhile, Bakhtiar Firdaus, Director of Yayasan Bina Desa Indonesia, a trust to develop villages, stated that IDB will take one year to complete the program.

The program started with 3 months training in Bogor Ciomas from May to July, and ended with practical placement during the next 9 months.

"But they will face the challenge when they started their real agropreneur life in their own villages," he said.

IBD, Bakhtiar said, is a pioneering agropreneur scholarship program engaged on integrated farming.

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