Jumat 04 Jul 2014 19:33 WIB

Kutai bridge development to be completed next year

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
A bridge (illustration)
Foto: Istimewa
A bridge (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAMARINDA -- The construction of Kutai bridge, East Kalimantan since 2011 will be completed in May 2015, said Committing Officer of Kutai Kartanegara bridge, Budi Harsono. Span bridge across the Mahakam river is estimated to be completed between March and April 2015.

"In mid-2015, people can see overall shape of Kutai bridge in East Kalimantan, which connects Tenggarong and Tenggarong Seberang regency," Harsono said recently.

According to Harsono, Kutai bridge will become the lifeblood of local economy in both regions. He asked supports from local people to overcome all obstacles, so that the bridge could be completed at the right time.

Kutai bridge is a replacement bridge that collapsed on November 29, 2011, which was inagurated by East Kalimantan governor, Awang Faroek Ishak. The ground breaking stage has been started on April 10, 2013.

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