Sabtu 14 Feb 2015 08:22 WIB

PDIP and Megawati always get blame for Jokowi's political blunder


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The ruling party PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) and its general chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri have often been blamed for political blunders of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), an analyst said.

"Any time President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) adopts a policy considered against the public interest, PDIP and Megawati would get the blame but no credit for PDIP or Megawati when the policy is considered good such as the execution of drug convicts and the bombing of foreign fishing vessels stealing fishes from Indonesian waters," Diasma Sandi Swandaru, a researcher from Pancasila Study Center of the University of Gajah Mada , said.

PDIP and Megawati are not treated fairly,"but it is the political reality in Indonesia, Diasma said here on Friday.

"PDIP has consistently appreciated the prerogative right of the president as shown in the forming of the Jokowi cabinet," he said.

As a ruling party PDIP is willing to accept that it has only four of its cadres in the cabinet , he cited.

PDIP is interested only in the implementation of the state ideology and national integrity with firm principle of standing on own feet, he said.

"The concept of standing on own feet is not easily implemented as it will need strong commitment amid heavy challenge internally and externally," he added.

He said he suspected there are certain political groups seeking to drive a wedge between Jokowi and PDIP as they are aware Jokowi and PDIP combined would be too powerful to challenge politically, especially as Megawati is a character that would not be easy to bend.

He said he still had strong confidence in Jokowi that the president would find a solution to the political dilemma he is facing lately.

PDIP should look far ahead that the Jokowi administration should step down after the first five year term but should last for another five year term, he said.

"We should support President Jokowi in his battle against all kinds of Mafia and greedy capitalists. This government is set to uphold Pancasila and to bring to reality Bung Karno's doctrine of Trisakti. 

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