Selasa 19 May 2015 16:27 WIB

PD lawmaker urges Minister Sudirman to clarify his statement for SBY

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Sudirman Said
Foto: Republika/Yasin Habibi
Sudirman Said

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Secretary of the Democrats Party of the House of Representatives (DPR) Didik Mukrianto asked the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Sudirman Said to clarify his attacking statement on former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), accusing SBY of delaying oil corruption eradication effort.

Didik assessed Sudirman’s statement was highly tendentious and could be misleading.

"Because it is not measurable and tends to be provocative. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) should explain his statement clearly in order to avoid defamation," said Didik through a statement received by Republika on Tuesday, May 19.

Didik said that, as a public official, Sudirman must be careful to issues a statement. Lack of prudence, he added, could degrade the public's trust in government. In fact, said Didik, is not impossible to have implications in the realm of law when it contains deception and slander.

"The Democrats Party will ask the related Commission to call Sudirman Said to explain everything. We will reopen old files to measure the validity of his statement. We will invoke the relevant parties to confirm Sudirman Said’s statement," he said.

Previously, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Sudirman Said acknowledged the strong efforts from outside Pertamina seeking to thwart the efforts of dissolution of Pertamina Energy Trading Lt. (Petral) for a long time. Sudirman mentioned, in the reign of President SBY, the effort to revamp oil mafia frequently just stop on the president's desk.

In the case of liquidate Petral, SBY accused that he has been maligned by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Working Cabinet, Sudirman Said.

“No sides came to me to propose Petral’s liquidation. I want to repeat, nobody came to me with a proposal to liquidate Petral. If there was such a proposal, I would have responded seriously,” he said on his Twitter account.

SBY hopes Sudirman immediately provide clarification of his statement. He also lamented why the current government continues to blame previous leader and government.

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