Kamis 04 Jun 2015 19:14 WIB

Minister Jonan admits he ever underestimated in KAI

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Ignatius Jonan (Republika/Agung Supriyanto)
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Ignatius Jonan (Republika/Agung Supriyanto)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Transportation Minister, Ignatius Jonan claimed that there were many who underestimated and doubted his ability when he was received the task to manage PT KAI in 2009. It happened because Jonan only certified on accounting and had no experience of dealing with technical work, such as transportation.

"They asked me, can an accountant understand the engineering field?" said Jonan when became a keynote speaker in an accounting international seminar in Surabaya, on Wednesday, June 3.

Armed with patience and hard work, according to Jonan, finally he could prove its performance to repair rail transport system in the country. "After I went (finish) of KAI, arguably that the development of railway is good," he said.

Jonan said he was satisfied he has listed the achievement as the longest President Director of PT KAI in the Indonesia history. According to him, since the first leaders of PT KAI, Ir. Juanda, director of PT KAI has never missed a term of more than three years due to various problems, such as a major accident and so forth.

Jonan himself served as Director of PT KAI recorded for six years. He put the job after being appointed by President Joko Widodo as Transportation Minister.

As Transportation Minister, the Indonesian people have great expectations to Jonan to improve the quality of all transportation modes in Indonesia. The 51 years man which graduated on University of Airlangga in the Accounting Department was posted a number of targets.

One of the most important targets was streamlined the transport index so logistics freight costs getting cheaper and could boost the economic growth. "Now the cost of logistic transport is 20-25 percent (cost of production). We are targeting, in the future will below 15 percent," said the Minister.

In front of the seminar participants whom were accountants, Jonan said that accountants were needed in the government to support the creation of countable governance. He even boasted that on current government there were three ministers which on accountant background. The other two are Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said, and Higher Education and Research and Technology Minister Muhammad Nasir.


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