Senin 24 Aug 2015 04:46 WIB

'Discover Indonesia' launched in Shanghai Book Fair

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Reuters

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The book that describes the natural beauty and tourism in Indonesia, 'Discover Indonesia' is ready to be launched. Book that was written by senior journalist of CCTV will be officially released on 24th August in Shanghai, China.

Assistant Deputy Asia Pacific Market Development, Ministry of Tourism (Kemenpar), Vincent Jemadu, said the launching will be made in the event Shanghai Book Fair 2015 in Shanghai Exhibition Center, China.

"The launching will be officially conducted at the main stage by I Gde Pitana, Deputy of Foreign Marketing Development of the Ministry of Tourism," Vincent said.

Through this book, Vincent wished the Chinese will get an idea of the beauty and the circumstances that exist in Indonesia today. So that the Chinese will know that condition of Indonesia has been different than in 1998.

"Later in the launching, we will also launch logo of 'Wonderful Indonesia'," he said.

Kemenpar will also offers a variety of packages to travel to Indonesia. For the first edition, the book 'Discover Indonesia' was produced 50 thousand copies.

"Anyone who buy the book 'Discover Indonesia' and take a travel package, will immediately get a 30 percent discount," said Vincent.

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