Selasa 10 Nov 2015 16:46 WIB

Indonesia owns most advanced survey ship in Asia

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Head of Hydro Oceanography Department of the Navy, First Admiral TNI, Daryanto, revealed the most advanced survey ship in Asia was owned by Indonesia. The latest survey ships was named KRI Rigel 933.

"The ship has modern equipment made in France," said Daryanto in Port of Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, Tuesday (10/11).

Rigel 933 is a warship type of Help Hydro Oceanography (BHO). Rigel 933 can perform fairly sophisticated mapping because it is equipped with latest hydro oceanographic survey equipment used for data collection in the deep sea.

"The advantages of this ship are the most excellent equipment and the most advanced in Asia. It has a robot that could pick up and have a automatic camera," he explained.

Daryanto stated, Rigel 933 is equipped with AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle), which serves to implement underwater imaging up to a depth of 1,000 meters and periodically sends back the data to the main ship.

The Rigel 933 is also equipped with ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) SSS (Side Scan Sonar), Laser Scanner to get an overview of the mainland, AWS (Automatic Weather Station), echo-sounder Multi beam and Single beam.

Then there is CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) Gravity Corer, for fisheries surveys. The ship is also equipped with sub-machine weapon of 20 mm and 12.7 mm caliber.

Rigel KRI-933 was built on procurement contracts of BHO ship that carried by Ministry of Defense with the French shipyard, OCEA. In the contract, two units of survey ship to be built, starting from October 2013.

KRI Rigel was made of aluminum with a weight of 560 tons and dimensions of 60.1 meters long and 11.5 meters wide. The presence of KRI Rigel 933 is very supportive for surveying and mapping operations.

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