Kamis 17 Dec 2015 17:59 WIB

473 Indonesians repatriated from Jeddah

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: ujicoba.net

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government again repatriated a total of 473 Indonesians from Consulate General in Jeddah, on 16th, 17th, and 18th of December. The Indonesians consisted of three groups of over stayer citizens (WNIO) and undocumented migrant workers (TKIU).

The repatriation was a continuation of efforts to accelerate repatriation of WNIO/TKIU conducted from early 2015, according to instructions the President at the end of 2014.

"The WNIO/TKIU comes from a number of areas including East Java (241 people), West Java (116 people), NTB (54 people), Central Java (18 people), and 49 people from different regions," said Director of Citizens Protection, Lalu M. Ikbal, via a press release, Thursday (17/12).

Repatriation on Wednesday (16/12) was repatriation phase VI from Jeddah with 239 WNIO. They departed by using Air Asia XT 0975 at 14:00 local time. They arrived at Soekarno Hatta Airport on Thursday (17/12) at 04.00.

Then on Thursday (17/12), repatriation phase VII from Jeddah would be conducted with 128 WNIO. They would be departed by using Emirates EK 368 at 05:40 local time. They would arrive in Jakarta on Friday (18/12) at 06:10.

Next, repatriation phase VIII from Jeddah would be departed by using Etihad on Friday (18/12) as many as 114 people. They would arrive in Jakarta on the same day, Friday (18/12) at 22:45.

Repatriation Acceleration Program of WNIO/TKIU has repatriated 1,868 people from working area Consulate General in Jeddah in eight phases of repatriation.

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