Rabu 18 May 2016 21:50 WIB

University of Jember set to be botechnology center of excellence

Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JEMBER -- Rector of the University of Jember M. Hasan confirmed that the university, located in Jember District, East Java Province, was ready to become a center of excellence in the field of agricultural and health biotechnologies.

"The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education has appointed the University of Jember as a center of excellence in biotechnology, and we are already conducting research on several embryos to get there," he stated here on Wednesday.

Hasan said the University of Jember has the Center for Development of Advanced Science and Technology (CDAST) that focuses on environment and agroindustries.

"CDAST is a research, education, and community service institution," he added.