Jumat 15 Jul 2016 22:36 WIB

Attorney General: Execution of drug convicts on death row soon

HM Prasetyo
Foto: setkab.go.id
HM Prasetyo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Attorney General HM Prasetyo indicated execution of drug convicts on death row would be carried out soon.

"You see the preparations we have made yesterday. I have even seen the activities in Nusakambangan in preparing the execution," Prasetyo said here on Friday.

The prisoners would all be brought to Nusakambangan to face the execution, he said.

Nusakambangan is an island off Cilacap, southern coast of Central for Java, notorious for its exile prison holding heavy weight criminals.

"Central Java police have also tightened security. They have agreed with us to create coordination," Prasetyo said.

He said one of the drug convicts on death row is Freddy Budiman, now seeking a review of his case at the Supreme Court.

"We will wait," he said, adding, "I think the process of reviewing his case would not take much time."

He said the move by Freddy Budiman is more as an attempt to delay his execution.

On Thursday, chairman of the Setara Institute Hendardi said the government plan to execute the death row prisoners is an attempt to hide the poor performance of the law enforcement agencies especially the attorney general.

"So far Attorney General M Prasetyo has not come up with a break through and satisfactory performance. He even busied himself with politics as he did in the case of Setya Novanto," Hendardi said.

Earlier, the attorney general accused Setya Novanto (now general chairman of Golkar) of criminal plot in connection with alleged attempt demanding a share in a project of the U.S. mining company Freeport Indonesia in Papua.

Now, however, the Novantio case looked to have been dumped.

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