Jumat 02 Sep 2016 00:36 WIB

Several leaders to meet with President Jokowi at G20

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Foto: setkab.go.id

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, HANGZHOU - Foreign minister Retno Marsudi said several heads of state have made requests to meet with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on the sidelines of the G20 Summit here on September 4-5.

"There are requests from Argentine and Saudi Arabia and later perhaps from others as well," she said during a transit in Hong Kong on the way to Hangzhou, China, where the summit is to be held.

She said the meetings with some heads of state might happen before the opening of the summit on September 4.

"Perhaps in the morning on September 4 because the summit will start in the afternoon," she said.