Jumat 02 Sep 2016 00:36 WIB

Several leaders to meet with President Jokowi at G20

Foto: setkab.go.id

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, HANGZHOU - Foreign minister Retno Marsudi said several heads of state have made requests to meet with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on the sidelines of the G20 Summit here on September 4-5.

"There are requests from Argentine and Saudi Arabia and later perhaps from others as well," she said during a transit in Hong Kong on the way to Hangzhou, China, where the summit is to be held.

She said the meetings with some heads of state might happen before the opening of the summit on September 4.

"Perhaps in the morning on September 4 because the summit will start in the afternoon," she said.

Minister Retno said President Jokko Widodo is scheduled to depart to Hangzhou on Friday and would meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping immediately upon arrival.

"He would discuss economic issues with President Xi Jinping. All economic issues will be discussed including trade and investment," she said.

While in China President Joko Widodo is also scheduled to meet with the Indonesian community members in that country and speak before "Business-20 in Shanghai on Saturday (Sept 3).

"The President will go to Shanghai by fast train," she said.

Minister Retno said the President would be accompanied by several ministers for the G20 Summit and Business Forum including the coordinating minister for maritime affairs, finance minister Sri Mulyani, minister Retno and Minister of Informatics and Communication Rudiantara.

Minister Rudiantara said he would make presentation at the Business Forum on telecommunication infrastructure in Indonesia.

"One of them is the Palapa Ring. It is needed to attract investment because telecommunication infrastructure may attract investors," he said.

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