Rabu 22 Mar 2017 23:00 WIB

Infrastructure project has to be finished as scheduled and budgeted: Finance Minister

Rep: Idealisa Masyrafina, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Financial Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Financial Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Financial Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati reminded that the infrastructure development should be finished on time. It should not stall as the fund was corrupted.  

Sri said Indonesian infrastructure development should be speed up to generate economic resources growth. Unfortunately, sometimes the realization of infrastructure development was not on time. The overbudget was also stalled.

"Various applied innovation in financing should keep the principles of circumspection and should be finished on time," said Sri in Jakarta on Wednesday (March 22).

Also read: Infrastructure development resolves poverty: Minister

Sri emphasized that there should not be late project because the fund was corrupted. She said there were many projects were hard to finished as scheduled and budgeted. The infrastructure project often end in cost over run.

"When it was because a natural reason, I was informed. But there should not be corrption and mark up. This what need to be emphasized in doing financing innovation," she said.  

The need of infrastructure financing in Indonesia was Rp 4,796 trillion up to 2019. The government could only met 41.3 percent of it or Rp 1,978 trillion from the national and regional budget.  State enterprises contributed 22 percent of it or Rp 1,066 trillion. The necessary budget from the private sector was Rp 1,751 trillion or 36 percent of the total financing needed. 

Sri insisted that the enterprises need to conduct innovation in developing infrastructure financing structure.  When it only depended on the national and regional budget, it would not finished on time and on budget. 

"This is a form of investation to keep the growth and to resolve poverty and economic gap, and to increase ptoductivity and competitiveness in Indonesia," she said.   

In G20 meeting, Sri heard there were so many innovation in combining bilateral and multilateral financing by using tricks to mobilize or to developed infrastructure in many regions. The innovations were made by many institution including World Bank. “President of World Bank said 80 millions US dollar grant from Norway Government could mobilize a billion dollar," she said. 


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