Senin 03 Apr 2017 18:24 WIB

Former Democratic Party Treasurer questioned as witness in e-KTP corruption case

Mantan Bendahara Partai Demokrat M Nazaruddin memberikan keterangan kasus dugaan tindak pidana korupsi pengadaan pekerjaan KTP elektronik (e-KTP) untuk tersangka Irman dan Sugiharto di Pengadilan Tipikor, Jakarta, Senin (3/4).
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
Mantan Bendahara Partai Demokrat M Nazaruddin memberikan keterangan kasus dugaan tindak pidana korupsi pengadaan pekerjaan KTP elektronik (e-KTP) untuk tersangka Irman dan Sugiharto di Pengadilan Tipikor, Jakarta, Senin (3/4).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID JAKARTA -- Former Democratic Party Treasurer M. Nazaruddin was questioned as witness in a further hearing of a corruption case pertaining to the electronic identity card (e-KTP) project.

At the Jakarta Corruption Court here on Monday, Nazaruddin said he would reveal all information related to some members of Parliament who had received funds in the e-ID card project.

"Yes, this is in accordance with that indicted by the public prosecutor, and I will explain all of it," Nazaruddin noted.

Speaking in connection with several members of Parliament who denied having received funds in the e-KTP card project, Nazaruddin affirmed that it was high time that they confessed it, so that their punishment in this world and thereafter would become lighter.

The former Democratic Party treasurer also expressed readiness to testify in the sixth trial related to the e-KTP card project corruption case.

Also read: E-ID corruption case big test for KPK: Ex-adviser

"All along, I have intended to help the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)), especially in connection with the corruption cases of Hambalang, e-KTP card project, and others," Nazaruddin emphasized.

Besides Nazaruddin, the Prosecution Commission is also scheduled to summon nine other witnesses: Dian Hasanah, M. Jafar Hafsah, Khatibul Umam, Yosep Sumartono, Vidi Gunawan, Munawar, Melchias Marcus Mekeng, Olly Dondokambey, and Eva Omvita.

The mega corruption scandal in the e-KTP card project is a big test for the KPK, according to Suwarsono, a former adviser of the commission.

The handling of the e-KTP card corruption case could offer a positive or negative momentum, he remarked during a dialog on revision of the Law on KPK, here recently.

If the anti-graft agency is not serious in dealing with the case, it will miss out on its glorious era similar to the one in 2014, he pointed out.

Suwarsono recalled that the reputation of the KPK had dipped to its lowest in 2015. In 2016, when the KPK got a new leadership, the public expectation was quite low, although it increased gradually, he noted.

There have been frequent attempts to weaken the KPK, but it has managed to survive so far. In 2015, however, the KPK almost failed to survive, he stated. 

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