Rabu 26 Apr 2017 17:51 WIB

Figures of Change as moment to reduce social gaps: Editor in Chief

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Tokoh Perubahan (Figure of Change) Republika 2016
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Tokoh Perubahan (Figure of Change) Republika 2016

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Republika held an event named 'Figures of Change 2016' in Djakarta Theatre, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (April 25). It themed "Encourages Economic Justice to Solve Problems of Social Gaps."

Editor in Chief of Republika Irfan Junaidi said the theme of social justice was mentioned in fifth pillar of Pancasila. It signed that the Indonesian founding fathers had indicated social gaps as a serious problem. 

Social justice was a foundation in nation and state life. "President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) repeatedly urges resolutions for the problems of social justice. Lastly during the Muslim Economic Congress (KEU), he asked that the problems of assets distribution be seriously formulated so it can be implemented well. The program aims at resolving the problems of social gaps," he said. 

The same opinion was said by the Chairman of Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) Ma’ruf Amin. He recognized that social gaps might cause domino effects. It could be widened and could trigger the growth of radical thoughts among social groups. 

In Indonesia, the gaps between the poor and rich was wide. This bring impacts to the chances of getting services of education, health, employment, carrier and others. 

Republika also discussed the theme of social justice deeper in a mothly event named "Rembuk Republik" held on March.  Economic sectors became the most indicators of social gaps were taken from the people's economic performance measurement. 

However, social gaps were not only an economic problems. Economic justice should be able to make all the economic activities spread all regions, resulted in people's welfares. 

The effort in solving problems of social gaps should be started with a mindset change. The thought that economic sectors were only belonged to certain society's groups should be eliminated. 

Every person should have same chances to access economic activities. People who took the opportunity had more chances to increase their life quality.   

Irfan said the six people awarded as the figures of change 2016 had made a fenomenal change. Their work was a process of eliminating social gaps. They had consistently share their knowledge, sources, and power to the societies.  

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