REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,JAKARTA -- National Movement to Safeguard Indonesian Council of Ulema’s Fatwa (GNPF MUI) urged President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to stop a wave of what they assumed as massive and continuous criminalization to ulemas, opposition figures, and Muslims activists through various legal cases.
"President Joko Widodo should immediately take serious actions to stop criminalization against ulemas, opposite figures and Muslims activists. They have been accused with cases fabricated to make negative opinion to their roles,” said the Chairman of GNPF MUI Bachtiar Nasir in a press release received by, on Tuesday (June 6).
On the other hand, GNPF MUI noticed that certain big cases were not properly processed. Among other was alleged blasphemy when addressing her political speech in 44th PDIP anniversary.
GNPF MUI encouraged fair law enforcement by the police based on due process of law, professionally and based on human rights. It also encouraged the stop of labeling Muslims as anti-Pancasila, anti-diversity or unity and anti-Indonesia.
GNPF MUI called all Muslims to pray to God to have resolution for the problems. He also asked all Indonesian elements not to easily trap by political jargons which did not have any relevant to strengthening Muslims co-existence. It even opened a slit of disintegration and conflicts.
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