REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Deputy Chairman of Special Team (Pansus) of Inquiry Right for Corruption Eradication Commision (KPK) Taufiqulhadi said KPK supposedly had violated the ethics and constitution when refusing a request to present Miryam S Haryani in the special meeting on Monday (June 19).
"KPK has no ground to refuse the special team's request. If it was refused, KPK violates the ethics and constitution,” said Taufiqulhadi in Jakarta on Sunday (June 18).
Taufiq said ethically there was a question why KPK refused to present Maryam to the team. He said the team would not make the file a problem. It expected to confirm whether Maryam wrote the last letter.
"On that letter, Mrs. Maryam said she never been intimidated by a number of Commission II members of the House of Representatives,” he said.
Also read: KPK not to let Miryam attend the Pansus meeting
Taufiq said ethically KPK did not have confidence to present Maryam as the institution was not sure that it was right. In fact, the norm of ethics was above the norm of law. While constitutionally, the inquiry right was a mandate of constitution. KPK was considered as violating it.
A member of the special team, Arsul Sani, said the House of Representatives (DPR) had an authority based on Law No. 17 in 2014 on the Assembly, House of Representatives, Regional Representatives Council and House of Regional Representatives (UU MD3) to call anyone and wherever, whether they were free or in prison. None of the law ruled any exception.
"KPK can only request the DPR so the special team comes to a certain place for technical and security reason,” he said.
Arsul said the team would ask KPK to facilitate the DPR to conduct its juridical authority well. He said KPK needed DPR, so it should not block DPR to do its job in enforcing the law.
Another member of the special team, Bambang Soesatyo said the team might use involuntary summon mechanism to Miryam S. Haryani as instructed by the Constitution. He said it was ruled in article 204 Law No. 17 in 2014 on MD3.
Bambang said, the article firmly stated that Indonesian of foreign nationals being summoned by the inquiry committee should come.
Absence for three times in a row means the committee might ask the police to send involuntary summon.
Responded to Chairman of KPK Agus Rahardjo's refusal, he said inquiry rights for KPK was not a personal matter but a constitutional duty. He said the team would work based on the constitution and law.
Previously, KPK insisted not to present the suspect of fake information in the trial of e-ID's case, Miryam S. Haryani. Agus was reluctant to give any reason of the refusal.