Rabu 26 Jul 2017 04:03 WIB

Food Task Force priority is to tackle rice mafias: Tito

Rep: Mabruroh/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
National Police chief Gen. Tito Karnavian
Foto: Republika/Mahmud Muhyidin
National Police chief Gen. Tito Karnavian

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- National Police chief Gen. Tito Karnavian said the police did not want to intervene the market as long as nobody is violating the regulations.

"There are rules that must be followed," he reiterated in his office on Tuesday (July 25).

Tito said one of the examples was traders should not be cheating. He understand traders are seeking for profit. "But, profit taking actions must not harm other parties, especially to the consumers or the poor," he said.

He called on traders to be fair and avoid monopoly. "If they violated the rule, do not be surprised to face the Food Task Force," he added.

Also read: rice milling plant in Bekasi" href="http://republika.co.id/berita/en/jakarta-region-others/17/07/22/otgvni414-food-task-force-seals-rice-milling-plant-in-bekasi" target="_blank">Food Task Force seals rice milling plant in Bekasi

The Food Task Force, Tito explained, is not aiming at small traders. It was dedicated to nail big players. "It's because the impact is also big," he said.

Tito reminded the traders not to underestimate the Food Task Force. The team is very serious in catching rice mafias. "The rice mafias are really exist. Our priority is to tackle rice mafias. So do not underestimate (the case)," he said.

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