Kamis 08 Feb 2018 03:45 WIB

Zeid warns Indonesian to not use extremism as political tool

He hopes Indonesians's tradition of tolerance prevails over political opportunists.

High Commissioner of the United Nations' Human Rights Commission Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein
Foto: UN Photo/www.un.org
High Commissioner of the United Nations' Human Rights Commission Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- High Commissioner of the United Nations' Human Rights Commission Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein warned Indonesian people against using extremism as a political tool. He said it could lead to discrimination, hate and violence.

"Extremism played in political arena, provoked with discrimination, hate or violence in a number of areas in this country is very much worrying," visiting Zeid said here on Wednesday.

Zeid called on all Indonesians to take part in the effort to promote human rights by rejecting any form of violence. "While enjoying the benefits of democracy, we urge the Indonesian people to move forward instead of backward in matter of human rights and reject discrimination," he said in a new conference.

He said in many things Indonesia has shown great hope in transforming itself into a dynamic democracy, but all countries including Indonesia have deficiencies. "There is dark clouds hanging in the horizon but I am driven by the positive momentum and hope that common sense and strong tradition of tolerance of Indonesians would prevail over political opportunists," he said.

Also read: Zeid asks Indonesia not to discriminate LGBT people

On that occasion, he expressed concern with the adoption of biased law on religious insult used to punish followers of minority religions. "If we hope not to be discriminated against on religious faith, color, race or sex; if Muslims hope that others to oppose Islamophobia, we also have to be ready to put an end to discrimination in our country," Zeid said.

He said he hopes in commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Indonesia will become a force to promote human rights.

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