Jumat 12 Oct 2018 00:49 WIB

Meeting with Kotjo based on Setnov's directives: Eni Saragih

Eni Saragih testifies as witness to defendant Johannes Kotjo on Thursday.

Ex-Deputy Chairperson of the House of Representatives' Commission VII of the Golkar Party Faction Eni Maulani Saragih
Foto: Antara/Dhemas Reviyanto
Ex-Deputy Chairperson of the House of Representatives' Commission VII of the Golkar Party Faction Eni Maulani Saragih

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ex-Deputy Chairperson of the House of Representatives' Commission VII of the Golkar Party Faction Eni Maulani Saragih claimed to have received directive from Golkar Party Faction's former chairman Setya Novanto (Setnov) to meet a shareholder of Blackgold Natural Resources (BNR) Limited, Johannes Budisutrisno Kotjo. She testified as a witness to defendant Kotjo at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Thursday.

"My acquaintance with Kotjo at that time was since Setya Novanto had called me to meet him. At that time, Pak Novanto was chairperson of the Golkar Party Faction after he had demanded shares from the papa case. After the case, he returned to being speaker of the House again," Saragih stated.

Furthermore, she admitted to having met Novanto at his office when he was chair of the Golkar Party Faction. She noted that Rheza Herwindo, Novanto's son, was also present at the meeting.

"Mr. Novanto called me. Actually, I did not come alone at that time. I came along with my person, my team, and there was Mr. Novanto and his son Rheza. I had lunch with Mr. Novanto. It was a call to help his son and if he knew Pak Kotjo," he remarked.

Also read: KPK collects evidences of alleged flow of fund to Golkar

Saragih admitted to not knowing Kotjo at that time. "Hence, at that time, I did not know Pak Kotjo. I said that Pak Kotjo, if you know the name, you might hear a yes. I know because Pak Kotjo is quite famous, but Pak Setya Novanto asked me to meet Pak Kotjo to know him," Saragih stated.

Kotjo was charged with offering a bribe of Rp4.75 billion to Eni Maulani Saragih and Idrus Marham, who at that time was acting chairman of the Golkar Party.

The plan was for Saragih to assist Kotjo in securing the project "Independent Power Producer (IPP) of the RIAU-1 Mine Mouth Power Plant (PLTU MT RIAU-1), which is a collaboration between PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali Investasi (PT PJBI), BNR Ltd, and China Huadian Engineering Company (CHEC), Ltd.

sumber : Antara
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