Selasa 23 Oct 2018 11:20 WIB

Tauhid's flag burning denounced

Tauhid's flag not always assosiated to Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia, said Al Idrus

Rep: Ali mansur/ Red: Teguh Firmansyah
Ketua Umum Dewan Pengurus Pusat Badan Komunikasi Pemuda Remaja Masjid Indonesia (DPP BKPRMI) Said Aldi Al-Idrus (tengah).
Foto: Antara/Wahyu Putro A
Ketua Umum Dewan Pengurus Pusat Badan Komunikasi Pemuda Remaja Masjid Indonesia (DPP BKPRMI) Said Aldi Al-Idrus (tengah).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  JAKARTA -- The flag burning which written with Tauhid phrase has reap crittism. Tauhid is the essential part of Islam lessons, said DPP BKPRMI in their realesed statement on Tuesday.

"We strongly denounce this incident because its hurting Muslim heart," Head of DPP BKPRMI, Said Aldi Al Idrus said.

According to Al Idrus, Tauhid's flag not always assosiated to Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI). Even he admitted, the organization who contrary with Pancasila it must disband. Pancasila is final ideology which has been approved by our founding fathers.


"Police must investigate this case, if we just let it down, it could undermine social relation between Muslim," Al idrus adding.

Al Idrus expect on this political year all parties refrain to make a provocative act which can disperse our unity as a nation. He urges all BKPRMI members to hold and not emotional to response this case.


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