Selasa 30 Oct 2018 15:59 WIB

Police explains reason for naming flag burners as suspects

A flag bearing tawheed sentence burned by members of Banser in Garut on last Monday.

Rep: Arif Satrio Nugroho, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Director of General Crimes of the West Java Regional Police, Senior Commissioner Umar Surya Fana
Foto: Republika/Djoko Suceno
Director of General Crimes of the West Java Regional Police, Senior Commissioner Umar Surya Fana

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Police finally named two tawheed flag burners as suspects, identified by their initials as M and F. According to police, the determination was in accordance with the development of investigation.

“The investigation is dynamic, not static, so investigators draw conclusions based on evidences,” said Director of General Crimes of the West Java Regional Police, Senior Commissioner Umar Surya Fana on Tuesday (Oct 30).

Previously, National Police considered that tawheed flag burning incident did not fulfill the criminal elements. The perpetrators of the case were assessed did not have evil intentions, as one of the criminal elements.

However, National Police then changed its statement. According to Umar, in investigation, investigators found new evidences and the statement was not a final stance.

“During investigation, investigators find new evidences, so it can affect the conclusion,”  Umar added.

Also read:

* Police names tawheed flag burners as suspects

* Muslims take to the street over flag burning case

* Islamic figures convey joint statement on tawheed flag case

Umar explained that tawheed flag burning incident happened on National Santri Day ceremonies. Thus, the act was deemed to interfere with the implementation of the event.

Therefore, there have been three suspects in tawheed flag burning case. They are the flag bearer, Uus Sukmana and two flag burners, F and M.

The three suspects threatened Article 174 of Criminal Code related to allegation of making an uproar on a general assembly. They could face three weeks in jail and fine of Rp900 if found guilty.

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