Jumat 25 Oct 2013 15:12 WIB

Erick Thohir proves nation's greatness through Inter Milan

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Nasihin Masha
Foto: Republika/Daan
Nasihin Masha

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Nasihin Masha

"Erick Thohir. I do not know, whether he belongs to a political party or not. If he's not, thank God," a friend told in his Facebook account. Maybe he does not know so much about Thohir, despite profiles of the young tycoon are available in many websites.

Thohir became popular since he bought 70 percent shares of Internazionale Milano or better known as Inter Milan from its previous owners, the Moratti family. He was ranked fourth in Google search results. It reflected the enthusiasm of public over the purchase of the elite club in Italian Serie A league.

Indonesia is a democratic country with third largest population in the world. Its economic scale sped away. It has a strong political stability shaped by coexistence of national plurality and tolerance. Indonesia's individuals recorded many international achievements, but these were not quite visible in this country.

Now, there is public happiness with news of the purchase of 70 percent shares in Inter Milan by three young entrepreneurs, namely Erick Thohir, Rosan Roeslani and Handy Soetedjo. Thohir leads the consortium. 

The man born in 1970 started his business in media. However, he loves sports, especially basketball since he was in school. Therefore, after completed his master degree in United States, he bought a basketball club named Satria Muda Britama. He was elected as Chairman of Indonesian Basketball Association (Perbasi) and then Vice Chairman of Indonesian Sport Committee. Thohir is currently President of the Southeast Asia Basketball Association. He becomes the first Asian who own NBA team, Philadelphia 76ers, the world's best basketball league.

In football, Thohir is an owner of the Football Club Persib Bandung. In 2012, Thohir was majority owner of Major League Soccer club, DC United. Eventually, he owns Inter Milan.

The acquisition process takes several months. It is not an easy and simple process. Even today, after the signing of purchase, there are things still bothering him. Word of 'Internazionale' is twisted into 'Indonezionale.' Other nicknamed it 'Jakartone' and 'Tho Inter.' Most Italian people have not been willing, if there are foreign investors involved in their club. Therefore, the purchase negotiations between Thohir and Moratti took a longer time. The case is different to English league clubs. Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal are clubs that have been owned by foreign investors. 

There are some reasons that made Indonesian people proud of Thohir. First, Indonesian young entrepreneur can own the third best league club in the world. Second, Indonesia has been able to go international. During this time, we are more familiar with the influx foreign investors to Indonesia. This time, we penetrate a country in Europe; Italy which won its fourth world crown, and second only to Brazil in term of football strength.

Third, we can use this purchase to advance national football. Indonesia can learn about football management and synergize coaching abilty. Of course, we hope Indonesian football players can play in Italian league someday.

The purchase can also raise our confidence. It is not easy to convince white people. They always felt more capable than colored race. The facts look racist, but we can feel it and say it sometimes. To win this purchase, we needed a negotiated skill and prepared the best team. It was not only about money.

Inter Milan was owned by three generations of Moratti family. It was not easy to let go something that was already ingrained. There were self esteem and self image issues. Moreover, the 43 year old man has to negotiate with Moratty (68 year old) who deserves to be his father. We were lucky with Indonesian culture that thought about humility, hospitality and simplicity. It gave added value to Indonesia.

Thohir became a target of Italian media, but he was not affraid. He wanted to show that it's time for Indonesia to flap its wings to the sky. Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) is the 16th largest in the world. In 2030, Indonesia could have been the seventh strongest economy in the world. Of course, it cannot be achieved if Indonesian people cannot compete globally.

China has become the second stongest world economic powers. Chinese companies invested and owned foreign companies. So does India. Thohir step must be a trigger for other local entrepreneurs. Do not blame Thohir if he starts it from football business, because he loves it. We hope that other Indonesia's tycoons will fly like bees sucking nectar in the forest, then back to the nest. The nest is Indonesia.

In the end, the acquisition is something so emotional. Nicknames, which are given to Inter Milan today has touched our national consciousness. However, we must not be over emotional. It is a reminder that success of the purchase is an early stage. Thohir must respond it with another Inter Milan's achievement, in business and in the field. There is Merah-Putih in his blood.

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