Sabtu 25 Jan 2014 19:02 WIB

The flooded Jokowi, the popular Jokowi (2)

Nasihin Masha
Foto: Republika/Daan
Nasihin Masha


Second, he had to relocate about 7,000 people around the Ria Rio Reservoir in Pluit, North Jakarta. This raised relatively long tension, especially regarding thousands of people. Even, there was a case of overlaid recognition of land rights in most of the region by the family of the deceased Adam Malik, a former vice president and a key figure in the freedom struggle of the Republic. However Jokowi continued to step ahead and managed to overcome it all.

But critics were still popping up on Jokowi. One of them, for example, the problem of dredging rivers, ditches, and reservoirs was seen as his subordinate's duties. Governor was enough just to give orders. The task of the governor is to make decisions and execute the more strategically things. Admittedly, in this year, there have been no great ideas and concepts that are truly initiated Jokowi in overcoming this flood. Jokowi conducted only routine matters. Great ideas about this have been proposed or implemented by previous governor. Sutiyoso on East Flood Canal and Fauzi Bowo on Great Sea Wall. His proposed idea is rampant idea that took for granted, for example, on small reservoirs along the Ciliwung or large reservoirs in Bogor. Then what kind of big idea or little idea about flood comprehensive settlement that can be done and within the remit of Jokowi? That is the fundamental public question for Jokowi.


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