Senin 28 Mar 2016 21:00 WIB

Haunting tax 'robber'

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Prayogi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Amril Jambak *)

The finding of the Special Committee (Pansus) for Monitoring and Evaluation of Cultivation Rights (HGU), IU permit, HTI, HPHTI, HPH, Mining Permit, Environmental Permit (Amdal, UPL, UKL) DPRD Riau suggests that there are companies that are in tax arrears amounted 104 trillion Rupiah. This is a very big achievement of legislative institution in provincial level.

In fact, the chair of the committee, Suhardiman Ambi has released a report saying that 540 companies are plantation companies, 60 are industrial plantation companies and 200 are palm oil factories. Those companies have been in arrears since 4 years ago. However, around 30 companies are in initials. They are DP, CS, JS, KAT, MSAL, WT, BBU, PS, PAL, SB, PM, HPM, DAP, PM, ARP, AI, BTR, BIM, BSN, MMK, ESP, ES, SAW, RKSS, SB, PM, HPM, DAP, ARP and AI. Because of these companies, the state has suffered 22 trillion Rupiah loss per year. The government should receive 31 trillion Rupiah, yet actually the government has only received around 9 trillion Rupiah.

Suhardiman said that the findings are the analysis result from a credible team appointed by Local House of Representative (DPRD). The team has spent 1 year to calculate the loss. Other than hundreds company stated above, there are still dozens mining companies and HPH forest companies that have not been calculated.