Selasa 26 Jul 2016 17:20 WIB

The cabinet reshuffle

Foto: Republika/ Wihdan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Soedibyo *)


Cabinet Reshuffle has become  one of the crucial political issues of the country presently, because it is indicating the people has not feel satisfy with the  achievement of the present Cabinet, mainly to the  ability  of a number of Ministers to run their respective jobs. They want those Ministers to be  replaced.

However there is strong  indication  President Jokowi is very careful and cool in responding the people demand for the Cabinet Reshuffle. President Jokowi is very pertinent and accurate in choosing some one to occupy important job in the Government. He believed the present Ministers  were the best choice when he composed the Cabinet.

The situation as described above likely has created the uncertain conclusion about the people demand for the Cabinet Reshuffle. Unfortunately President Jokowi had never made any comment concerning the issue of Cabinet Reshuffle and  so put that political issue as a delicate puzzle.


The first Cabinet reshuffle resulted the active Cabinet presently, but it has  been considered as unsuccessful Cabinet reshuffle. The strong Cabinet is the most important political infrastructure of the Country to achieve the national goal as designed by the  National Development Planning Body which is concurrently also the Ministry of the National Development Planning.

Politically the National Development Planning of the Cabinet are designed  based on the Decision of The People  Consultative Assembly on the Broad Lines of the National Development Plan. The Broad Lines of the National Development Plan is the main guide lines of the national goal, it is the decision on the prime goal of the National Development and its parameter of the Result.

However since the Era of the Reformation, the role of the  National Development  Planning Body which was concurrently the Chairman of the National Development Body was also the Minister of the National Development Planning,  are not clear. The Minister of the National Development Planning has been just working based on the  will of the President and the Political Parties that support the President.

Thus current  political  system has apparently resulted with a number of tragic situation, such as: first, the stop of the development of the sea harbor in North of Krawang, West Jawa, designed by the President SBY Cabinet but  finally it is stopped  by President Jokowi. It is considered endangering the oil and gas construction bellow the sea.

Second, the stop of one of the on going  Reclamation Project of The Gulf of Jakarta by The Coordinating Minister of Maritime Product, because it is considered endangering  the gas and oil pipe construction bellow the sea, in fact the Reclamation Project  has been approve by the President Jokowi before.

Third, the serious effect resulted by the utilization of  the beautiful toll road between Kerawang and Brebes but apparently affected the miserable situation faced by millions of people from Jakarta who were wishing for going home to Central and East Jawa but unfortunately they cannot move further  in Brebes, because of the un-complete development of the toll road in Jawa island. What ever the reason it is likely considered as the lack of capability of a number of Ministers concern to run the project.

Based on some tragic incidences it likely could be concluded that because of no valid Broad Lines of our National Development Program, the Ministers cannot work  properly because apparently the Cabinet Program can  not be designed perfectly.

Presently, what ever the reason  people tends to indicate that they are not satisfy with President Jokowi’s  Cabinet achievement and  politically people demand the Cabinet reshuffle to be held.

No clear reaction of President Jokowi  to respond  the people demand for the Cabinet Reshuffle, and  analysis tend  to indicate that President Jokowi is in doubt  as if he does not know which part of the Program  should be re-designed included the reshuffle of the Ministers concern.   Since the Cabinet Reshuffle is the only right of the President, no one is to be committed in the possible process, included the Vice President.

This phrases  tends to suggest President Jokowi to propose the People Consultative Assembly to re-designed the existing National Development Program and then The President hold his Cabinet Reshuffle. It is believed this framework of action will need years and President Jokowi term  is just around less than three years. However, the Peoples Consultative Assembly is the only Highest  Institution of this Country to be possibly participate in solving the Cabinet Problem. In conclude President Jokowi should officially request the Peoples Consultative Assembly to participate in solving this crucial issue of the Country.


The Present Development.

Official demand raised by and  from among the people for the Cabinet Reshuffle is not apparently detected, but a statement raised by a Politician of the  HANURA Party concerning the political issue on Reshuffle  is detected very recently released as bellow:

The Chairman of The Central Party Leadership of Hanura Syarifuddin Sudding said, the Hanura Party has no objection if President Jokowi to hold  the Cabinet Reshuffle. However it is expected President Jokowi is urgently to give his response  to avoid the uncertainty of the situation. Sudding argued, the confirmation about the Cabinet Reshuffle is necessary to be released by the President to maintain the spirit of the Ministers in the Cabinet to fully  work.

Definitely the issue on Cabinet reshuffle  if it is moving uncertainly will disturb the seriousness of the Minister’s working. “So it is better for the Ministers to  be given the information of the exact moment of the Cabinet Reshuffle by the President. Without confirm information on the Cabinet Reshuffle the Ministers will feel uncertainly that could lead they work not seriously.” Sudding added. Sudding firmly said his Political Party will  have no objection, if the Minster coming from the Hanura Party  should  be withdrew from the Cabinet. But that kind decision should be based on correct evaluation.


President Jokowi realizes that to reform his Cabinet Ministers he should evaluate correctly his Ministers concerning their respective job and their respective achievement.

Since there is no  official Broad Lines of National Development in the present political system, the objective evaluation to the Minister achievement  could not be done  objectively  because not any official parameters could be used.

The crucial situation of our Country Political System on National Development Plan has caused President Jokowi likely realizes the existing difficulty in evaluating his Minister’s achievement objectively.

Being  a leader who has strong human feeling  President Jokowi tend not to act something  that will be felt by anybody as insulting. Definitely this kind of attitude is unexpected handicap of President Jokowi leadership in making the decision on an important position.

This situation also make President to be hesitate to the real capability of  his Ministers. Unexpectedly it caused President Jokowi  feels doubt about whether or not the Cabinet reshuffle is necessary to be conducted.

It is  likely  the national issue  concerning the Cabinet Reshuffle  will still going on uncertainly and it is not easy to predict the ending result. It is likely President Jokowi is considered wise enough if he made the coordination and cooperation with The Peoples Consultative Assembly to re-designed the existing Guide Lines of the National Development Goal and Planning to make the President pertinently and accurately decide which part of the National Development Goal should be revised and concurrently the ministers that should be reshuffled soon.

*) Written by a Political and Security Observer.

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