Kamis 02 Apr 2015 18:38 WIB

Foreign tourist arrivals to West Kalimantan increase 43.17 percent


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PONTIANAK -- Foreign tourists visiting the province increased 43.17 percent in February 2015 as compared to last month due to the sun's culmination in Pontianak, according to the West Kalimantan Government's Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS).

The sun's culmination is a natural phenomenon that is known to occur in only six countries, including Indonesia, and attracts both local and foreign tourists to Pontianak.

"The increase in the number of foreign tourists visiting West Kalimantan is due to the Chinese New Year and Cap Go Meh celebrations and also by the sun's culmination at the Equator Monument in Pontianak a few weeks ago," Head of West Kalimantan Government's BPS Badar noted here on Thursday (2/4).

According to data, foreign tourist arrivals in West Kalimantan reached 2,567 or increased 43.17 percent as compared to the previous month.

West Kalimantan, the fourth-largest province in Indonesia, currently has two official entry points: the Entikong Border crossing inspection posts (PPLB) in Sanggau District and Supadio International Airport in Pontianak.

The BPS noted that 1,873 tourists entered West Kalimantan through Entikong PPLB or increased 48.06 percent as compared to last month.

At the same time, the number of tourist arrivals at Supadio Airport reached 694, an increase of 31.44 percent from 528 tourists recorded in the previous month.

"Of the total tourists visiting West Kalimantan in February 2015, 72.96 percent entered the province through Entikong PPLB and 27.04 percent arrived through Pontianak Supadio Airport," he explained.

Meanwhile, Pontianak Government's Department of Culture and Tourism noted that tourist visits to the Equator Monument increased by 200 percent due to the sun's culmination phenomenon that occurred on March 21-23.

The sun's culmination is a natural phenomenon where the sun's position is right on the equator due to which all objects around the Equator Monument area do not cast a shadow.

The phenomenon occurs only twice a year on March and September and is observed as an annual event in Pontianak city to attract both local and foreign visitors.

Besides Indonesia, the sun's culmination phenomenon is also witnessed in Gabon, Zaire, Uganda, Kenya, and Somalia.

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