Selasa 19 Nov 2013 10:32 WIB

Yaba, new type of narcotics in Indonesia from Thailand

Rep: Wahyu Syahputra/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
  Petugas memperlihatkan barang bukti beserta tersangka jaringan narkoba internasional kepada wartawan di Jakarta, Senin (11/11).  (Republika/Prayogi)
Petugas memperlihatkan barang bukti beserta tersangka jaringan narkoba internasional kepada wartawan di Jakarta, Senin (11/11). (Republika/Prayogi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Narcotic Investigation Director in Jakarta Police, Com Nugroho Aji said that there was a new type of narcotics seized from drug traffickers in Jakarta on November 16, 2013. The new type is called methamphetamine pills coming from Thailand and Myanmar.

"It is called Yaba, from Thailand and Myanmar," Aji said on Monday.

Yaba is very famous in both countries and commonly used by workers at factory to increase stamina. In Indonesia, Yaba is used as pep drug by users in nightclubs.

Beside Yaba, there is also Red Ice, made from methamphetamine, but more expensive. It has more powerful effect than Sabu (known as Blue Ice). Yaba is sent from Thailand to Indonesia through Malaysian waters. 

Jakarta Police seized various types of narcotics worth 12 billion IDR. 

Deputy Chief of Jakarta Police, Brig Gen Sudjarno said that the case was known from SMS Online in number of 1717 and immediately followed up by police for two months. From that, they knew that there were narcotics producer and manufacturer in several Jakarta nightclubs. During November 1-16, police detained 16 suspects.

"They are four foreign citizens, one from China and three from Malaysia," Sudjarno said.

Jakarta Police confiscated 2,008 grains of methamphetamine pills, including Yaba, 4.5 powdered methamphetamines that were ready produced, 1,160 kilograms of meth, 1,500 grains of extasy, 80 grams of keytamin and four passports. All suspects are threatened by death penalty, five years imprisonment, also imprisonment for life. 

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