Rabu 04 Sep 2024 06:16 WIB

The Vice President Asserts Sharia Economy Is The New Stream Of National Growth

The sharia financial sector is also capable of supporting nearly 23 percent of the national economy.

Rep: Dian Fath Risalah/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Head of Center for Sharia Economic Development INDEF Prof. Nur Hidayah, Vice President (Vice President) KH Ma
Foto: Dian Fath Risalah
Head of Center for Sharia Economic Development INDEF Prof. Nur Hidayah, Vice President (Vice President) KH Ma

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President (Vice President) KH Ma'ruf Amin said that Sharia economics and finance are becoming a new stream of national economic growth and an engine of inclusive economic growth. This is because the principle of Sharia finance to promote justice and the equalization of welfare is acceptable to all people.

“This is evidenced by the positive economic and financial performance of sharia, driven by the growth of the leading sector of the halal value chain by 3.93 percent,” Ma'ruf Amin said during a speech at the International Seminar and Inauguration of the Center for Sharia Economic Development INDEF in Jakarta on Tuesday (3/9/2024).

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In fact, the sharia financial sector is also able to support nearly 23 percent of the national economy. In addition, the development of Sharia finance is also characterized by increasing assets and diversification of Sharia financial institutions.

Sharia capital market assets account for nearly 20 percent of the total national capital market assets. In the future, the Vice President continued, the government continues to ensure and control the sustainability of Sharia economic and financial development by integrating sharia economy and finance into RPJPN 2025-2045 and RPJMN 2025-2029 as the main programs on productivity-based economic transformation.