Sabtu , 26 Dec 2020, 07:30 WIB
Amnesty: Adili 9 Tersangka Pembunuhan di Pengadilan Umum
Kamis , 18 Jun 2020, 01:30 WIB
Amnesty Kritisi Putusan PN Balikpapan untuk 7 Aktivis Papua
Ahad , 08 Mar 2020, 18:51 WIB
Amnesty: Lindungi Identitas Korban Covid-19
Senin , 08 Jul 2019, 02:34 WIB
Amnesty akan Temui Petinggi Polri Bahas Soal Rusuh 21-22 Mei
Rabu , 26 Jun 2019, 00:06 WIB
Disebut Amnesty Lakukan Pelanggaran HAM, Ini Jawaban Polri
Selasa , 11 Jun 2019, 22:35 WIB
Amnesty Kecewa dengan Polisi Atas Penjelasan Ricuh 21-22 Mei
Rabu , 14 Nov 2018, 00:07 WIB
Warga Myanmar Sebut Suu Kyi tak Butuh Penghargaan Amnesty
Kamis , 25 Aug 2016, 16:02 WIB
Persuading the remaining MIT members to surrender
Kamis , 04 Aug 2016, 22:10 WIB
Expert: President could grant amnesty for Din Minimi group
Kamis , 21 Jul 2016, 21:15 WIB
Govt agrees to give amnesty to Din Minimi
Senin , 06 Jun 2016, 22:38 WIB
Govt urges House to complete tax amnesty bill
Selasa , 23 Feb 2016, 19:14 WIB
Amnesty Korea vows to hold 'Ghost Protest' amid police threat
Amnesty Korea vows to hold 'Ghost Protest' amid police threat
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEOUL -- Human rights group Amnesty International vowed Tuesday to push ahead with a planned "Ghost Protest" in Seoul after police threatened a crackdown on the virtual rally consisting of holograms of protesters.The group is set Wednesday night to show holograms of about 120 people chanting slogans and waving banners on a giant screen set up in central...
Kamis , 31 Dec 2015, 20:45 WIB