Rabu , 14 Oct 2015, 22:37 WIB
Shamsi Ali: Even during the war, houses of worship shall not be harmed

Rabu , 14 Oct 2015, 05:00 WIB
One killed over clashes and church burning in Aceh Singkil

Sabtu , 03 Oct 2015, 09:59 WIB
Hungarian church thanks govt for rendering off migrants

Ahad , 20 Sep 2015, 19:00 WIB
President Jokowi cancels to attend opening of church in Timor

Sabtu , 18 Jul 2015, 14:49 WIB
PGLII deplores Tolikara incident

Senin , 13 Jul 2015, 15:34 WIB
Israeli police arrest suspects in torching of Church of Loaves and Fishes

Senin , 06 Jul 2015, 11:04 WIB
Suicide bomber kills five in NE Nigeria church

Ahad , 21 Jun 2015, 08:47 WIB
Obama: Church shooting exposes 'blight' of racism

Rabu , 15 Apr 2015, 17:06 WIB
Indian government says church attacks not political

Selasa , 17 Feb 2015, 18:19 WIB
Church sexual abuse crisis far from over, US Cardinal says

Kamis , 25 Dec 2014, 20:46 WIB
NU's wing organization secure Christmas mass in Bali

Kamis , 25 Dec 2014, 19:50 WIB
Police and military secure Christmas celebrations in churches

German Chancellor visits Istiqlal Mosque and Immanuel Church
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - German Chancellor Angela Dorothea Merkel visited Istiqlal grand Mosque here on Tuesday as part of her state visit to Indonesia, before the meeting with Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). During the visit to Southeast Asia`s largest mosque, Merkel was accompanied by the mosque`s imam Ahmad Husni Ismail and the chief of mosque`s executive management board, Mubarak. Merkel is in...