Flood in a middle high class area in Pluit, Jakarta (illustration)

APERSI: Floods potentially drop property prices

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Floods may drag down real-estates prices in the flood prone areas in Jakarta. According to Chairman of Indonesian Housing and Settlement Developer Association (APERSI), Eddy Ganefo, said floods influenced  the values of property in such area. "Floods affect property market in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi," he said on Monday. It's not yet clear what the total...

A joint team consists of armed forces, police, National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) and fire brigade personnel try to evacuate victims trapped at Plaza UOB in Jakarta, on Friday night.

Sabtu , 19 Jan 2013, 23:41 WIB

Dozens probably trapped at Plaza UOB

Flood inundates the central of Jakarta, Thursday night.

Jumat , 18 Jan 2013, 21:47 WIB

Govt needs special board to tackle floods