Ketua KPU, Arief Budiman mendampingi Mendagri, Tjahjo Kumolo, memeriksa kesiapan lokasi dan teknis pendaftaran capres-cawapres Pemilu 2019, Senin (6/8). KPU memperbolehkan berkas pendaftaran capres-cawapres dikonsultasikan terlebih dulu sebelum resmi diserahkan.

Tjahjo checks KPU's readiness for receiving registration

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Home Minister Tjahjo Kumolo visited the General Election Commission (KPU) office here on Monday. He checked its readiness for receiving the registrations of presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs.His arrival was warmly welcomed by the commission chief, Arief Budiman, and other commissioners. They then accompanied Tjahjo to observe the registration venue as well as a transit...

PKB politician Abdul Kadir Karding.

Rabu , 14 Mar 2018, 15:58 WIB

PKB believes Jokowi not to choose AHY