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Lapan-Garut Berencana Bangun Wisata Edukasi Keantariksaan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GARUT -- Tahapan uji terbang dari Komurindo – Kombat 2017 di Lanud TNI AU Pameungpeuk, Garut, Jawa Barat, dilangsungkan belum lama ini. Seluruh tim mahasiswa yang lolos final dalam kompetisi tersebut beradu kreasi dan inovasi untuk memperebutkan kejuaraan dari tiga kategori yang ditentukan tim juri. Pukul 06.00 WIB, Kamis (24/8), kompetisi dibuka dengan peluncuran balon atmosfer pertama yang...

Head of LAPAN, Thomas Djamaluddin,

Small N219 aircraft to be produced in 2017

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WEST LOMBOK - The National Aviation and Outer Space Institute (LAPAN) said small N219 aircraft would be produced next year to serve routes to isolated areas that could not be served by big aircraft in Indonesia."The design has been available. The target is that production of N219, a 19-seat aircraft would begin in 2017," head of LAPAN Prof...

Kepala Lapan Thomas Djamaluddin.

Rabu , 31 Aug 2016, 14:04 WIB

Lapan Prakirakan Idul Adha 12 September

Smoke from forest and peatland fires limits visibility in Riau. (illustration)

Ahad , 14 Aug 2016, 22:09 WIB

Lapan detects 92 hotspots across Sumatra

Titik panas. Ilustrasi

Rabu , 10 Aug 2016, 23:07 WIB

54 Titik Panas Sumatra Berpotensi Terbakar


Rabu , 20 Jul 2016, 10:21 WIB

Lapan Uji Roda Pendaratan Prototipe N219


Rabu , 22 Jun 2016, 22:23 WIB

Lapan new satellite to monitoring crops

Wapres Jusuf Kalla di Pusat Teknologi Penerbangan LAPAN

Rabu , 22 Jun 2016, 19:38 WIB

JK: Satelit Hasilkan Data Lebih Akurat