Jumat , 03 Feb 2017, 22:29 WIB
This is why KH Ma’ruf Amin refuses to meet Ahok

Jumat , 03 Feb 2017, 19:18 WIB
Democratic party asks the police to be proactive in the wiretapping issue

Jumat , 03 Feb 2017, 19:06 WIB
Ahok’s legal advisor reminds SBY to be careful with the allegation

Jumat , 03 Feb 2017, 18:19 WIB
Disclaim wiretapping, Ahok’s Lawyer says only provoking KH Ma’ruf Amin

Jumat , 03 Feb 2017, 07:40 WIB
There is a clear indication that state institution supports Ahok: GNPF MUI

Jumat , 03 Feb 2017, 07:11 WIB
To sacrifice for a trouble maker, govt pay too much: Observer

Jumat , 03 Feb 2017, 07:00 WIB
Answering wiretapping issue, BIN: The information does not come from us

Jumat , 03 Feb 2017, 06:39 WIB
Wiretapping issue, Police: We can not take action only based on allegation

Kamis , 02 Feb 2017, 16:31 WIB
Ahok states half hearted apology: MUI

Kamis , 02 Feb 2017, 16:08 WIB
Responding to SBY allegation on wiretapping, Jokowi: Ask Ahok's attorney

Kamis , 02 Feb 2017, 05:11 WIB
Ahok's attorney carry out a tapping: Mahfud MD

Kamis , 02 Feb 2017, 04:44 WIB
Muslims should remain calm: KH Ma'ruf Amin

There are misunderstanding on the objection: Ahok
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The defendant on religious blasphemy case, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), argued there was misunderstanding on the objection he stated towards the testimony of the Chairman of Indonesian Council of Ulama(MUI), KH Ma’ruf Amin, during the eighth session of the trial on Tuesday. Previously, it was spread on news that Ahok objected his testimony and said to...

Rabu , 01 Feb 2017, 04:32 WIB
Ahok’s lawyer tries to link SBY and the issuance of MUI religious statement

Rabu , 01 Feb 2017, 04:00 WIB
Habib Rizieq appointed to study Ahok's statement: MUI

Selasa , 31 Jan 2017, 19:03 WIB