Nahldatul Ulama supreme leader and vice presidential candidate of the incumbent President Joko Widodo, KH Ma'ruf Amin attends National Meeting of Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) and its regional branches in Central Jakarta, on Thursday (August 30) night.

Kiai Ma'ruf to hand over rais aam post to Kiai Miftahul

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice presidential candidate for incumbent President Joko Widodo in presidential election 2019, KH Ma'ruf Amin was ready to hand over his postition as Nahdlatul Ulama supreme leader (rais aam) to his deputy, namely KH Miftahul Akhyar. He stressed that the mechanism to replace supreme leader regulated in NU statute. "Of course I have to hand over...

Ketua MUI Ma'ruf Amin hadir menjadi saksi di persidangan kedelapan perkara dugaan penistaan agama dengan terdakwa Basuki Tjahaja Purnama atau Ahok di Gedung Kementerian Pertanian (Kementan), Jakarta, Selasa (31/1).

Jumat , 03 Feb 2017, 09:39 WIB

MUI: Tenang dan tidak Terpancing Hasutan

Anggota Komisi II DPR RI, Arif Wibowo.

Rabu , 01 Feb 2017, 19:22 WIB

PDIP Harap Permintaan Maaf Ahok Bisa Diterima

Gus Mus

Rabu , 05 Aug 2015, 22:01 WIB

Gus Mus Rais Aam PBNU