Presiden AS, Donald Trump

Trump says "very early" to consider lifting sanctions on Russia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON -- U.S. President Donald Trump said Friday that it is "very early" to talk about lifting sanctions on Russia in relation to the Ukraine crisis. "I hear a call was set up. We' ll see what happens," Trump said at a joint news conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May. "As far as sanctions, it's very early...

Aborsi bisa diperbolehkan karena adanya uzur baik yang bersifat darurat maupun hajat.

Sabtu , 28 Jan 2017, 04:58 WIB

Aktivis Antiaborsi AS Gelar Unjuk Rasa

Gambar dari video pada 12 Desember 2016 menunjukkan asap yang membumbung akibat bom di timur Aleppo, Suriah.

Sabtu , 28 Jan 2017, 04:00 WIB

Pembuatan Zona Aman di Suriah Berisiko Tinggi

Presiden AS, Donald Trump

Kamis , 26 Jan 2017, 18:16 WIB

Kemendag Terus Perhatikan Kebijakan Trump

Outgoing CIA Director John Brennan advised President-elect Donald Trump to mind his words and understand the implications and impact on the country.

CIA director warns Donald Trump to watch what he says

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON DC -- Outgoing CIA director John Brennan has issued a stern parting rebuke to President-elect Donald Trump, advising him not to absolve Russia for its recent actions and warning him to watch what he says. Brennan's comments laid bare the simmering tensions between the Republican and the intelligence community he has criticised and is on the verge of...

Meryl Streep

Senin , 09 Jan 2017, 19:42 WIB

Dikritik Meryl Streep, Trump: Ia 'Hillary Lover'

Citra satelit yang menunjukkan lokasi reaktor nuklir Korea Utara (Korut) Yongbyon.

Kamis , 05 Jan 2017, 00:14 WIB

Korsel: Trump Tahu Ancaman Nuklir Korut

Presiden AS terpilih, Donald Trump

Rabu , 04 Jan 2017, 12:27 WIB

Trump Sadari Bahaya Ancaman Nuklir Korut