Rabu 25 Oct 2023 16:07 WIB

Prophet Muhammad's Ways of Trading

The Prophet Muhammad preached the wisdom of Islam.

Rep: Muhyiddin/ Red: Fitriyan Zamzami
Illustration of trading..
Illustration of trading..

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Doing business is one way to get sustenance. From childhood, the Prophet Muhammad sought sustenance by trading with his uncle Abu Thalib from Makkah to the land of Sham.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that ninety percent of his sustenance was in business, while the remaining ten percent was livestock.

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In the article The Rasulullah's Way Of Business: As The Best Example For Student, Badrah Uyuni asserts that doing business according to Islamic law was done by the Prophet Muhammad as a guide for Muslims, so that when a businessman conducts his business in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

The Prophet (PBUH) behaved in accordance with his morals (ethics). If a business operator cares about ethics, then it is predictable that he will be honest, trustworthy, fair, always looking out for the interests of others, and so on.

Rasulullah's business strategy includes operational strategy, marketing strategy, human resources strategy, and financial strategy. His principle of running a business that never loses has been a very interesting thing to learn, especially in terms of capital.

Muhammad SAW as a businessman was not a big investor, his main capital was just trust (al-Amin). With the trust he has, he can easily get investors who are willing to help his efforts because of his honest and trustworthy nature.

His ability or competence as a businessman and trader should also not be doubted. This can be seen from how well the Prophet Muhammad knew the markets or trading places of the Arabian Peninsula.

In addition, the Prophet knew various trade and economic activities. The Prophet Muhammad also recognized and prohibited the practice of usury because he was aware of the dangers of usury and advocated a profitable trading system.

With his magnanimity and generosity of character, he was also known as an intelligent and ethical marketer. It is these traits that later in modern times become an important foundation in sharia marketing/spiritual marketing.

The success of Nabi SAW in his endeavors was influenced by the hard work he did during this time, and the Prophet was very professional in organizing marketing management in his business.

However, the Prophet's most important foundation in conducting business and daily life was based on the commandments contained in the Quran.

The organization of business based on the Quran, especially in buying and selling, has several rules, among other things, if the trade is carried out in cash, then the parties who carry out the business must be based on their wishes or without any element of coercion.

The sustainability of the effort and sustenance we obtain is of course very important, because it will have a huge impact, both for ourselves, for our families, companies, state institutions, as well as for the social life of people. Therefore, the business of obtaining kosher sustenance is mandatory by law, both halal in terms of object, transaction, and manner of obtaining it.

A business can be said to be lawful if it complies with the provisions of the sharia of Allah, namely sterile from usury (QS Al-Baqarah: 275-279), gambling, and alcoholic beverages (QS Al-Baqarah: 219 and Al Maidah:90), corruption and collusion (QS Al Muthaffifin: 1-5), theft (QS Al Maidah:38) and others.

The Prophet Muhammad's way of trading and doing business can be taken as a guideline to conduct business with good ethics and fairness. Here are some principles and teachings that can be drawn from his life:

1. Justice and Honesty

 The Prophet Muhammad SAW really emphasized the importance of honesty in business. He said that an honest trader will be with the prophets, the martyrs, and the pious in the afterlife.

Therefore, in business, Muslims should always adhere to the principles of truth, including in offers, prices and quality of goods.

2. Fair Bargaining

The Prophet Muhammad SAW also advocated fair bargaining in trade. Because, the best transactions are those that make both parties feel satisfied. This emphasizes the importance of reaching an agreement that is fair to both parties to the deal.

3. Avoid Usury

The Prophet Muhammad SAW prohibited usury or interest in business transactions. This means that Muslims should avoid financial practices that involve interest or usury in business.

4. Zakat

The Prophet Muhammad SAW also encouraged his followers to give zakat, or charitable donations, as part of social responsibility. If you are successful in business, give some of your income to those in need.

5. Ethics in Trading


The Prophet Muhammad SAW always emphasized the need for good ethics in trading. This includes not cheating, not stealing, and not exploiting others in business.

6. Don't seek illicit profits

Avoid seeking profits from practices that are prohibited by religion, such as alcohol, gambling, or businesses that harm society.

7. Pray and trust

Don't forget to always pray and put your trust (surrender yourself to Allah) in doing business and trading. Believe that success ultimately comes from Allah.

By running a business in accordance with the principles of ethics and justice taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Muslims will be able to run a business that is sustainable and beneficial to society and achieve blessings in their business. 

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