Ahad 24 Dec 2023 01:26 WIB

UMSU Family Declares Ready to Host Muktamar Muhammadiyah 2027

UMSU to build 17-storey UMSU Tower

Rep: Imas Damayanti / Red: Erdy Nasrul
Member of Muhammadiyah organization laying the first stone of construction of 17-storey UMSU Tower, at UMSU Campus, Captain Mukhtar Basri Street, Medan, Saturday (23/12/2023).
Foto: Dok Istimewa
Member of Muhammadiyah organization laying the first stone of construction of 17-storey UMSU Tower, at UMSU Campus, Captain Mukhtar Basri Street, Medan, Saturday (23/12/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Prof. Haedar Nashir revealed that the University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra (UMSU) together with PW Muhammadiyah North Sumatra will host the 49th Muktamar of Muhammadiyah.

This was conveyed by Haedar Nashir while attending the first stone laying of the construction of the 17-storey UMSU Tower, at UMSU Campus, Jalan Kapten Mukhtar Basri, Medan, on Saturday (23/12/2023).

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The event was also attended by PP Muhammadiyah General Secretary Abdul Mu'ti who directly handed over the decision on the implementation of the muqtamar to the Chairman of PW Muhammadiyah Sumut Hasyimsyah Nasution accompanied by UMSU Rector Agussani.

Haedar confirmed that UMSU was elected to host the 49th meeting based on the results of the PP Muhammadiyah plenary meeting on December 13, 2023.

“The essence of today's event is the submission of the decree on the implementation of the Muktamar in Sumut,” Haedar said in a release received by Republika.co.id, Saturday (23/12/2023).

Regarding the construction of the tower, Haedar Nashir claimed to be proud of UMSU's extended family. He also asked that the building can be completed soon because it will be used as Muktamar Muhammadiyah 2027 arena. He also called on the ranks of the Muhammadiyah union in Sumut to continue to unite.

“Muktamar is a milestone for the strengthening of Muhammadiyah's acceleration as a progressive Islamic movement. It's the era of the second century of Muhammadiyah travel,” Haedar said.

It also emphasized the importance of early religious fostering for millennials with diligence and patience in moral fostering. He also called for all parties to be vigilant.

Rector of UMSU Agussani also thanked for the support of the construction of the tower, which has been planned for a long time.

Agussani declared the readiness of UMSU together with PW Muhammadiyah to host Muktamar four years to come.

It added that rapid work for the construction of a tower equipped with a 6,800-capacity auditorium, 120 lecture halls, and 25 office spaces was an important part of the campus's arrangement to meet future challenges.

Tower worth more than 250 billion rupiah built over 36 months, he said, bears the hallmarks of local wisdom cultures from Malay, Mandailing, Batak and Padang. Then the building material is environmentally friendly. “Early 2027, this tower building will be usable,” he said.

The laying of the first stone of UMSU tower construction was also attended by Nurjanah as Chairman of PP Aisyiah, H Musa Rajekshah as former Wagubsu, Prof. Saiful Anwar Matondang PhD as Head of LLDikti Sumut, scholars, Chairman of BPH UMSU, Vice Rector I, Prof. Muhammad Arifin, M Hum, WR II, Prof. Akrim, MPd, WR III, Dr. Ruff. Dianto, MSi and the dean of UMSU and other invitees.

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