Selasa 26 Dec 2023 22:02 WIB

Important Advice from Gus Baha for Understanding the Quran

Understanding the Quran requires a number of primary devices of tafsir

Understanding the Quran requires a number of primary devices of tafsir. Quran illustration
Foto: republika
Understanding the Quran requires a number of primary devices of tafsir. Quran illustration

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA- The Quran as a holy book that perfects the earlier samawiyah scriptures has many peculiarities. There are many secrets contained in every verse of the Quran. The expert on the interpretation of the Quran, KH Ahmad Baharuddin Noersalim or Gus Baha, explained that there are various scholarly arts in interpreting the Quran.

There are scholars who choose to seek safety in reciting the Quran, such as when it comes to pronouncing the abbreviated letters (muqatta'ah) in the preamble of some letters such as alif lam mim, Yasin, and so on who choose to rely on Allah.

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There are also scholars who interpret the verse of muqatta'ah by pronouncing each letter. Therefore, it is important to study the Quran by adhering to and accompanied by scholars in order to anticipate the fulfillment of each verse in the Quran. On the other hand, it is clear that there are also passages full of mysteries that make scholars definitely different in their interpretation.

“So the interpretation analysis has no completion, everything needs a device and among the devices is fitrah salimah. Thus, reading the Quran both scientifically and with the fitra salimah will equally give rise to a meaning that has a true historical origin,” explained Gus Baha when he spoke at Ngaji Bareng and the Launch of the Tafaquh Study Center (Tafsir Quran and Hadith) of the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) a few days ago.

Further Gus Baha explains that among the debates in interpreting Quranic verses is the issue of the use of Israelite stories to reconstruct verses relating to the story of the prophets before the coming of the Prophet.

There are scholars who completely reject the use of the Israelite stories, but there are also some who take them for wisdom or as a construction of stories and use them in interpreting passages about the stories of the ancients.

“Finally, find it safe if the interpretation or translation is based on Israeli, but sometimes inevitably because there is a hidden word that will inevitably be complete if you use Israiliyat earlier,” he said.

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