Selasa 27 Feb 2024 13:45 WIB

30 Election Supervisors Passed Away

Some of the causes of death of election supervisors are natural factors, such as fatigue.

Election Supervisory Board Building (Bawaslu) RI in Jakarta.
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
Election Supervisory Board Building (Bawaslu) RI in Jakarta.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) of RI Rahmat Bagja revealed that 30 supervisors of the 2024 election died. Some of the causes of death of election supervisors are natural factors, such as fatigue.

“Until this week we have two. So, about 30 people (election supervisors died),” Bagja said in the Building of the Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP), Jakarta, Monday (26/2/2024).

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Bagja explained that the 30 people were not only polling place supervisors (PTPS), but included the village/village election supervisory committee (PKD) and the district panwaslu. He said that it would evaluate the phase of the 2024 election that left 30 supervisors dead.

“It will be evaluated later. 'Can we finish the PSU (re-vote) first, recapitulate it, 'Bagja promised.

Meanwhile, Bagja said that the provision of benefits for the deceased election supervisors is still ongoing. “Something has already been given. There are then also some who have not because the administration process is so,” he said.

Earlier, Bawaslu RI member Herwyn J.H. Malonda mentioned that 27 supervisors of the 2024 election died. The data was recorded from 2023 to February 19, 2024.

Herwyn details seven deaths in 2023, seven ranging from January 1 to February 13, 2024, and 13 people ranging from February 14 to 19.

“It is still ongoing and the dynamic reports coming in to us continue to be related to this,” Herwyn said at the Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Monday (19/2/2024).

Election supervisors who have died will be provided with a benefit of Rp36 million and a funeral allowance of Rp10 million. The granting of the relief, he said, refers to the Bawaslu Decree Number 11 of 2023 on the Technical Directive (Juknis) on the Grant of Occupational Accident Compensation of Ad Hoc Agencies.

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