Selasa 27 Feb 2024 17:10 WIB

Gibran: Merchants to Obey Ban on Selling Dog Meat

Walkot Solo Gibran calls dog meat traders cooperative enough to comply with SE.

Red: Erdy Nasrul
Animal lovers community volunteers perform silent action with dog masks in Solo, Central Java. Walkot Solo Gibran says dog meat traders are quite cooperative in complying with the SE.
Foto: ANTARA/Mohammad Ayudha
Animal lovers community volunteers perform silent action with dog masks in Solo, Central Java. Walkot Solo Gibran says dog meat traders are quite cooperative in complying with the SE.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOLO -- The Surakarta City Government conducted an academic study related to the circular letter (SE) regulating the sale of dog meat.

“Just yesterday we signed SE dog meat. We are following up with the academic study,” Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said in Solo, Central Java, on Tuesday.

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Previously, the City Government (Pemkot) of Surakarta has issued Circular Letter (SE) Number 38/597/2024 on the Recommendation for Safe and Healthy Consumption of Food Products of Animal Origin in Surakarta City. In the SE, the government appealed to the public not to consume dog meat.

He said there were proposals from a number of parties for the SE to be upgraded to a regional regulation. Therefore, it considers it necessary to make an academic study first.