Jumat 14 Jun 2024 15:30 WIB

Government to Consider Online Gambling Players on List of Social Assistance Recipients

Online gambling practices judged to impoverish society.

Warga mengakses situs judi online melalui gawainya di Bogor, Jawa Barat, Kamis (30/5/2024). Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) menyatakan telah memblokir 1,9 juta konten judi online sejak 17 Juli 2023 hingga 22 Mei 2024.
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Yulius Satria Wijaya
Warga mengakses situs judi online melalui gawainya di Bogor, Jawa Barat, Kamis (30/5/2024). Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) menyatakan telah memblokir 1,9 juta konten judi online sejak 17 Juli 2023 hingga 22 Mei 2024.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Coordinating Minister for Human and Cultural Development (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy insists that gambling practices, both live and online (online), can impoverish the community. A number of attempts are being made by the government to eradicate online gambling, including including them as recipients of social assistance.

“Yes, including many who become poor, it is the responsibility of the PMK Ministry,” said Minister Muhadjir Effendy when asked about the impact of online gambling in the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, quoted Friday (14/6/2024).

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In efforts to tackle online gambling, he said, Kemenko PMK has held many advocacy for victims of online gambling. Including, entering their names into the Integrated Data on Social Welfare (DPKS) as recipients of social assistance.

“Then those who have psychosocial disorders, we ask the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) to come down to provide training and give directions,” said Minister Muhadjir Effendy.

He also highlighted the dangers of online gambling as a very worrying phenomenon for Indonesians, as its impact has been felt by almost all walks of life, from the lower middle society to intellectuals.

The large number of law enforcement victims of online gambling, one of the highlights of which was the case of the arson of a policeman by his wife who was also a police officer in Mojokerto, East Java, is also a particular concern of the government.

“That is the authority of the police. But I ask that (the case) be given attention because the law enforcers who are supposed to eradicate online gambling are instead perpetrators,” said Minister Muhadjir Effendy.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) earlier confirmed the government was serious about eradicating and combating online gambling by shutting down millions of online gambling sites and immediately establishing a Task Force (Task Force) on the Eradication of Online Gambling.

“The government also continues to seriously eradicate and combat online gambling. And so far, more than 2.1 million online gambling sites have been closed and the Online Gambling Task Force will soon be established, which we hope can accelerate the eradication of online gambling,” President Jokowi said in Jakarta on Wednesday (12/6).

The Head of State watched as many bad things happened as a result of gambling, such as property being sold off, husbands and wives getting divorced, committing crimes, committing violence, and not the least of which caused casualties.

The president said online gambling is cross-border, borderline and authorized, so the most important defense is from the community itself. Therefore, the President asked the public not to gamble.


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