Rabu 29 Apr 2015 18:18 WIB

Australians express criticism via #BoycottIndonesia and #BoycottBali

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The second part of death execution was completed. Eight death row have faced a firing squad on Wednesday (29/4) early morning. Two of death row, the two Australians. The death of duo Bali Nine, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran provoke strong reactions from Australians, at least through the social media networks.

On the timeline, Australians express criticism of the government of Indonesia via hashtag  #Boycott Bali and #BoycottIndonesia. A netizen Jay Pettifer's said, for example, "Close the Aust Consulate in Bali and up #Indonesia travel warning to DO NOT TRAVEL. #Boycottbali # Bali9," in JDPettifer account.

The same thing also expressed on William Chambers's twitter account,@williamchambers. "All you need to do is #BoycottBali to show your disapproval. Go on holiday to Thailand or Vietnam and give them your dollars # bali9," he wrote.

Direct criticism also popped into President Joko Widodo's twitter account. Kenneth One's twitter account, revealed his frustration to the Indonesian government. Joko Widodo, he said, would feel the impact of execution in the form of tourists’ loss visiting Indonesia.

"@ Jokowi_do2 If u think drugs r a problem, wait til u see the impact of LOST TOURISM #BoycottIndonesia #MaryJaneVeloso," he wrote via @kowloonsunday's account.

Earlier, the Australian government had condemned the death executions. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, reported by ABC, Wednesday (29/4), announced that Australia's ambassador to Indonesia withdrawn for consultations following the execution of two of its citizens, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran. Immediate withdrawal announced just hours after execution.

"The execution is cruel and unnecessary. The Ambassador will we pull for consultation," said Prime Minister Abbott, on Wednesday (29/4).

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister of Australia, Julie Bishop said that Paul Grigson, the ambassador, will be back at the weekend to discuss everything that happened in the relationship between Australia and Indonesia.

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