Ahad 24 May 2015 12:46 WIB

UN concerned for civilians in IS-controlled Palmyra

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Reuters/Khaled al-Hariri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK -- The UN Security Council on Friday expressed deep concern for thousands of civilians trapped in the Syrian city of Palmyra after it was captured by Islamic State fighters.

The 15-member council called for safe passage for fleeing civilians and stated their "grave concern" for the protection of the ancient city, a World Heritage site.

IS proclaimed Palmyra's capture online and posted video and several pictures, including of a hospital, a prison and a military airbase.

The council in particular expressed concern for women and children, noting that IS fighters had established a "pattern of abducting, exploiting, and abusing women and children elsewhere including rape, sexual abuse, forced marriage and forced child recruitment."