Jumat 02 Aug 2013 20:32 WIB

A time tunnel called ‪'Laylatul Qadr'

Rep: Erik Purnama Putra/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A man reads Quran from his gadget during itikaf, or night stay in the mosque in the last ten days or Ramadan. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
A man reads Quran from his gadget during itikaf, or night stay in the mosque in the last ten days or Ramadan. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, The last ten days of Ramadan are very special part of the holy month. Muslims are encouraged to perform itikaf. Itikaf means night stay in the mosque for certain periode to worship Allah (His Glory and His Greatness). 

Muslims believe that laylatul qadr happens once at odd night among those last ten days. As no exact date of laylatul qadr, then Muslims who want to capture the precious moment must improve their worship at all those nights.  If a Muslim worships during laylatul qadr, then God will reward the Muslim equals with one thousand months of worship.

"Laylatul qadr is like a time tunnel which can cut much time just in one night," Deputy Secretary General of Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), Tengku Zulkarnaen said on Thursday.

In Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar district now Muslims flock big mosques to perform itikaf. They have night prayer, religious preaching, and Quran recitation until sahur (pre dawn meal) time. The itikaf ends when time for dawn prayer arrives. 

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