Jumat 20 Jan 2017 18:54 WIB

212 Islamic Cooperation is Muslims's milestone to economic development: Zaitun Rasmin

Rep: Wahyu Suryana, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
 Ustadz Zaitun Rasmin (ketiga kiri) bersama ketua koperasi syariah Antonio Syafe’i (ketiga kanan) memberikan pengarahan kepada Jamaah yang mengisi formulir untuk menjadi anggota koperasi syariah 212 di STEI Tazkia, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Jumat (20/1).
Foto: Republika/Raisan Al Farisi
Ustadz Zaitun Rasmin (ketiga kiri) bersama ketua koperasi syariah Antonio Syafe’i (ketiga kanan) memberikan pengarahan kepada Jamaah yang mengisi formulir untuk menjadi anggota koperasi syariah 212 di STEI Tazkia, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Jumat (20/1).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR – The National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Council of Ulama’s Fatwa (GNPF MUI) launched the 212 Channel and opened a massive registration for 212 Sharia Cooperation. The channel was launched as information and communication media for Muslims, while the cooperation was hoped to maintain silaturahim. 

“We launched this by saying Bismillahi Allahu Akbar,” said the Chairman of GNPF MUI Bachtiar Natsir in the al-Hambar, Andalusia Mosque, STEI Tazkia on Friday.

The Deputy Chairman of the GNPF MUI, Zaitun Rasmin, hopes that the ‘212 Sharia Cooperation’ can be a milestone for Muslims economic development.

One of participant showed her form of registration to the 212 Sharia Cooperation. (Republika/Raisan Al Farisi)

"212 Sharia Cooperation is a milestone in developing the society, with the benefits for Muslims and the Indonesian people," said Zaitun to Republika.co.id in STEI Tazkia, Sentul, Bogor on Friday.

He asked Muslims to strengthen their patience, considering there would be challenges in the path of the cooperation. Zaitun also invited them to give advices or inputs to the development of the cooperation. 

The Chairman of the Media Center of GNPF MUI, Farid Poniman, expressed his gratitude for the enthusiasm of Muslims in the event. He said, only a few hours after the Islamic Cooperation 212 was opened, GNPF MUI received many donations.

"Thank God, so far there are transferred donations of more than 227 million rupiah, cashed donation of five million rupiah, a gold ring, and a land commitment of approximately 3,000 square meters," said Farid in the same occasion on Friday.

Congregation at the inauguration of the 212 Islamic Cooperation and 212 Channel. (Raisan Al Farisi)

The inauguration of the 212 Islamic Cooperation and 212 Channel was held in the Andalusia Mosque. It was attended by so many Muslims from different regions. The registration was conducted by online and manual. 

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