Selasa 05 Jun 2018 19:05 WIB

First Travel's assets to be returned to the victims

First Travel's assets to be auctioned and the money will be returned to the victims.

Rep: Rusdy Nurdiansyah/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
First Travel owners, Andika Surachman (left) and his wife Anniesa Hasibuan (right)
Foto: Republika/Iman Firmansyah
First Travel owners, Andika Surachman (left) and his wife Anniesa Hasibuan (right)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DEPOK -- Depok State Prosecutor head Supari asserted First Travel agency assets that worth billions will be returned to victims of alleged fraud case. He denied any allegations of unrecorded assets.

As stipulated in Criminal Code, the seized assets of the defendants can be returned to the state, destroyed, and finally returned to the victims, said Supari on Monday (June 4).

Supari said the issue will be handed over to state as non-tax state revenues. The asset to be processed later if the verdict already has legally binding or inkracht and it will be auctioned by KPKN.

"The process will be decided after legal decision is inkracht," said Supari.

Meanwhile, First Travel boss Andika Surachman lawyer, Karolus Seda said his client did not know the existence of all assets. Karolus said his client has indeed revealed the total assets owned. From the profit margin calculation obtained by the travel agency, Andika's total asset was Rp 320 billion.

"He has dispatched 160 thousand pilgrims where the benefits of each pilgrim worth Rp 2 million and this multiplied by 160 thousand people, up to Rp 320 billion," said Karolus.

The money has been mostly used for the purchase of home interior items such as sofas, lamps and the like. There was a sofa worth hundreds of millions and there is also a crystal lamp worth Rp 200 million.

Some were used to buy branded accessories, luxurious vehicles, and jewelry. However, Karolus admitted, the value of assets amounting to Rp 320 billion was referring to the conditions when Andika bought it. "Of course, there is depreciation in asset value," Karolus added.

Also read: First Travel assets must not seized by state: Victims lawyer

Earlier, Panel of the judges in Depok has sentenced First Travel bosses, Andika Surachman and his wife Annisa Desvitasari Hasibuan respectively with 20 years and 18 years of imprisonment and fine Rp 10 billion or a year and four months confinement. They were the main suspects in an Umrah scam amounting to Rp 905 billion from 63.310 customers of First Travel's Umrah (minor haj) tour packages.

Andika and Anniesa were charged under articles 378 and 55 of Criminal Code on fraud and Article 3 Law No. 8/2010 on money laundering. Panel of judges also decided First Travel assets that became evidences of the case seized for the state.

Andika, Anniesa, and Kiki were accused of having committed fraud against 63,310 customers who had bought umrah (minor haj) travel packages from their company. The three defendants were also charged with having misused Rp 905 billion worth umrah funds paid by their customers.

The confiscated evidence reached 529 numbers of evidence. These proofs included two Panasonic brand air conditioners, airsoft guns, and two gas cylinders.

In addition, there are three account numbers from the same bank, namely Bank Mandiri. These three accounts contain different balances and each on behalf Anugerah Karya Wisata. First account, the balance is Rp 34,862,631,000. The second account is Rp 3,769,819. Third, the balance of Rp 200 million in the form of deposits.

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